The Horizon 2020 funded D.Rad: De-radicalisation in Europe and Beyond project is to hold its closing conference in Berlin in March 2024
TITLE: Deradicalisation, Conflict and the Value of Social Inclusion
DATES: 21-23 MARCH 2024
VENUE: Freie Universität Berlin, Garystr. 55, 14195 Berlin
We expect abstracts of ca. 200 words until the 19th of January 2024!
Our project traces the course of moving from a de-radicalised to a radicalised position for individuals through studying their micro-meso-macro factors that generate feelings of Injustice, Grievance, Alienation and finally Polarisation in societies. We call this I-GAP spectrum. To prevent the evolution of such factors and their progression to radicalisation, we promote a social-inclusion informed de-radicalisation strategy resting on arts and sports, public spaces and processes, and civic education. Originating from the D.Rad approach, this conference calls for papers from other colleagues interested in studying
- Intersection between societal processes and radicalisation stages,
- Interdependence of radicalisation involving groups, individuals and societies,
- Effectiveness of legal frameworks and the role of state as a possible actor of radicalisation,
- Engage citizens in weaving the social fabric of communities tightly through sporting and cultural strategies,
- Spatial dimension and public spaces and processes to understand the social glue of inclusion or precursors of exclusion,
- Participatory-methods-oriented civic education as a preventive measure of exclusion and a way to generate inclusion.
Overall, this conference calls for papers to respond to two general questions:
- How to recognise the micro-meso-macro factors that would make a deradicalised person radicalised?
- How to build socially inclusive societies, spaces, and education systems that would move radicalised individuals to deradicalised positions?