D3.1 Country Report | April 2021
Author: Gregor Bulc – Apis Institute
This report presents a brief overview of (de-)radicalisation events, stakeholders and agents in Slovenia, a secure EU country with low crime rates and almost no terrorist-related activity. Nevertheless, Slovenia follows EU counter-terrorist directives and puts effort into establishing the local RAN-system. Slovenian political elites often resort to demonizing Muslims as terrorists, both in relation to the existing Islamic minority in Slovenia and to (future possible) immigrants, although the numbers of both groups are miniscule. The biggest fear mongers in politics and media are discussed, as are some cases of hate speech, incitement to violence and violent attacks against minorities. Due to historical curtailing of freedom of expression the Slovenian judiciary rarely sanctions agents of hate speech, ignoring the arguments of progressive scholars for stricter legislation. In light of this, it is emphasised that hate crime incidents in Slovenia, in the form of violent attacks directed towards minorities, even resulting in deaths, have not been perceived as acts of terrorism by nor the police, politics, judiciary or the general public. In terms of de-radicalisation, this report emphasises the lack of a sustainable national prevention programme and draws attention to progressive projects of monitoring intolerance, hate speech and human rights violations.