D.Rad/Policies Report
D4.3 | August 2022
Authors: Veronica Federico, Giovanna Spanò – University of Florence; Maria Moulin-Stozek – Jan Dlugosz University
The report aims at comparing policies and best practices as emerged among the D.Rad consortium gathered in Work Package 4. In particular, it includes the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Finland, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, Türkiye, Georgia and Austria. The adopted methodology clusters policies by common traits and strategies in tackling radicalisation. This represents a reversed approach in comparison with the methodology adopted in the WP 4 Comparative Report (D4.2). In the latter, the analysis of the legal and policy frameworks of D.Rad countries has shown quite diverse backgrounds and political choices, also due to national contexts and their history of extremist trends and movements.1 Hence, we relied on general patterns which could allow the clustering of such different backgrounds, instead of selecting specific national experiences. In this report, we have been able to identify two main common approaches guiding domestic policies.