D4.1 Country Report | December 2021
D.Rad Research Teams
Although Jordan suffered from violent attacks since the 1970s, radicalization as a major issue emerged in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks and Amman Hotels attacks in 2005. At the same time, Jordanians have suffered for long decades from the lack of economic prosperity, unemployment, unequal opportunities, widespread corruption, nepotism, lack of respect for the rule of law and the failure of the government to prevent such injustices. This has fostered insecurity among Jordanians, especially the youth, creating a dangerous and vulnerable social and political environment. The latter raised the government and the public opinion’s awareness of the danger of radical movements in the country and led to the adoption of several legal measures to tackle radicalisation and terrorism. However, it has become clear that an exclusively legal approach is not sufficient and since 2005 civil society has been urged to take part in countering extremism. Awareness programs, workshops, and trainings have been organised, but they do not seem to help much, especially because they often lack a strategic vision.