Authors: Veronica Federico, Alessandro Rosanò, Giovanna Spanò – University of Florence
The D.Rad project is comprised of an international consortium of research organisations from the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Finland, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Georgia and Austria. These countries represent a diverse range of contexts. For example, there are large economic, political, cultural and legal differences among D.Rad partners. A comparative overview is necessary to deal with this complexity in order to be comprehensive and complete at the same time.
Issues arise when a need for consistency in methodology and case selection come into this complex picture. As far as the former is concerned, the theoretical assessment has involved the clustering of all national legal and policy frameworks on de-radicalization. They have been categorised under three main themes: the repressive, the preventive and the mixed approaches. These different strategies encompass multifaceted interventions as well as multiple actors to counteract de-radicalization and extremisms, also due to each particular context and national challenges. As for the case selection, the comparative report presents a law in action standpoint. This introduces the D.Rad research operational perspective. This has led to the collection of case studies worthy of circulation. These concern the privileged off-line and on-line settings in radicalization (schools, internet and prisons), as well as for actions related to successful de-radicalization programs.
In our conclusion we make key recommendations which highlight the steps still to be made in framing innovative trajectories and research tools. We also consider setting new methodological scenarios – taking into account major shortcomings in the law in books existing literature. Thus, this report stresses the deficiencies and caveats that continue affecting the analysis of the broader phenomenon of de-radicalization. The comparison will address solutions and suggestions for the advancement and the development of the existing legal and policy frameworks in Europe (and beyond).
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