Brunel University London is a dynamic institution with over 12,500 students and over 1,300 academic staff operating in a vibrant culture of research excellence. With a turnover of more than £200 million, the University is a Higher Education and research establishment with considerable intellectual, financial, and social resources and makes a major contribution to the economy and community of the West London region. It also plays a significant role in the higher education scene nationally and has numerous national and international links and partnerships with both academia and industry. Brunel University London is committed to engaging with the public, by working to build strong, mutually beneficial partnerships with external organisations, groups and individuals at a local, national and international level. Brunel University London has climbed 14 places in the 2019 QS World University Rankings and is now placed in the top third of universities worldwide. Brunel prides itself on its multicultural environment and has gained countless benefits from having staff and students from over 113 different countries contributing to both its academic and social environment. The university holds a European Commission HR Excellence in Research award for its commitment to supporting its researchers, embodying the core values of research integrity. Brunel has a long history of successful bidding for European funding and of managing EU projects. Brunel has a long history of successful bidding for European funding and of managing EU projects, Brunel was involved in 120 projects within FP7 with a cumulative value of over 37 Million Euros, and has been successful with over 70 Horizon 2020 proposals to the value of more than 30 million Euros, of which it is has lead and coordinated 9 projects. As part of D.Rad, BU co-leads WP7. Brunel University London combines academic excellence with the practical, entrepreneurial and imaginative approach pioneered by their namesake, the great British engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

Dr. Nelli Ferenczi is a Lecturer in Psychology and a member of the Centre for Culture and Evolution at Brunel University London. Dr Ferenczi completed her PhD in Psychology from Brunel University (2015). As a cross-cultural social psychologist, Nelli is interested in applying a cultural lens to identity, our close relationships, how we engage with others, and groups. Her research interests include the construction and maintenance of bicultural and multicultural identity, individual differences in online prosocial and antisocial behaviour, understanding the impact of marginalisation on wellbeing and the self, and the role of groups on identity and behaviour. Nelli’s research has been published in peer-reviewed academic journals, and has been covered by numerous media outlets; Nelli has also presented her work at international and national academic conferences. Some of her research has been published in The Conversation. Nelli was part of a panel of speakers at a psychology event on Internet Trolling hosted by the All Party Parliamentary Group in conjunction with the British Psychology Society at the House of Commons (June, 2018). As part of D.Rad, Nelli is co-leading a work package on “The social psychology of de-radicalisation” (WP 7). The overarching aim of this work package is to unpack the interpersonal, intragroup, and intergroup factors that form the mutually reinforcing cycle of rejection, radical group identification, and support for radicalised belief systems and behaviours. This research is important to help us understand how individuals experience injustice, grievance, alienation and polarising influences within certain groups contexts. This project will examine layers of influence between individuals, within groups, and between groups. This will involve investigating marginalisation, group identification, and maintenance of identity, using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies using longitudinal, correlational, and experimental designs, including investigating approaches interventions as preventative measures against radicalisation.

Isabel Holmes is a Doctoral Researcher in Computer Science at Brunel University, London. Having completed a BSc in Psychology and an MSc in Data Science at Goldsmiths, University of London, she seeks to draw on her knowledge of both fields when conducting her research, which can be loosely defined as Computational Social Psychology. Specific interests include the prediction of author personality traits from text and how those traits inform online behaviour. Her current research applies this approach to the topics of political affiliation and conspiracy beliefs.

Nachita Rosun is a doctoral researcher at the Centre for Culture and Evolution in Brunel University London. Her current research looks at the experiences of individuals from cultures which are underrepresented in research by using and adapting theories and methods so they are more culturally appropriate in order to better capture these experiences.
Her population of focus is Mauritius. She has experience doing fieldwork with this population from her role as a research assistant for multiple research organisations such as the Experimental Anthropology Lab (UConn), Masaryk University and IS Global Health Institute.

Vania Rolón completed her MPhil at Brunel University as part of the Centre for Culture and Evolution. Her research integrated evolutionary and feminist theories – often seen as antagonistic – to understand the mechanisms behind the moralisation of female sexuality. She enjoys collaborating across various projects and has co-authored articles on the mental health consequences of social estrangements; the relationship between sociability and COVID-19 infection; the use of adult play interventions (e.g., board games) to increase positive affect; and the psychology of men who identify as involuntary celibates. Her current interests lie in statistics and coding as she transitions from academia to data analysis in the industry.