D10.3 Interactive Toolkit | November 2023

Authors: Mattia Zeba, Roberta Medda-Windischer, Andrea Carlà, Alexandra Cosima Budabin

EURAC Research, Bolzano/Bozen (IT)

Institute for Minority Rights

In the framework of the D.Rad project, WP10 – entitled Civic education as preventive measure and inclusionary practice – seeks to prevent youth radicalisation through civic education and to identify new pedagogical methods and interactive, participatory tools for building pro-social resilience to radical ideologies. 

In D.rad’s WP10, the focus is on civic education programs that adopt a participatory approach. This means involving all participants in expressing their ideas and bringing about change. Specifically, these methods empower marginalized voices, promoting civic engagement, problem-solving, and networking. Using techniques like role-plays and interactive tools, these programs foster critical thinking, empathy, democratic literacy, active citizenship, resilience, and socio-emotional learning.

The role-play thus developed, called “In Search of the Lost Past”, is a civic education game encourages participants to reflect on available choices, avoiding adverse and/or violent outcomes. 

“In Search of the Lost Past” serves as a dynamic platform for exploring and understanding the complex interplay of choices, perspectives, and outcomes. Reconstructing the past helps us be open to new and diverse futures.